The exhibition takes the visitor on an expedition through tropical and subtropical climates. The environment they find themselves in is instantly recognisable – the supermarket. But guests will soon notice that not everything is quite what it seems. The shelves are not filled with endless different products, all displayed for the customer with millimetric precision. In the fruit and vegetable section there are no appetisingly presented and polished vegetables, and there is no sign of the gleaming fruit as we have come to know and love. Even the shopping trolleys appear to have been taken out of their natural habitat.

It’s almost as if the jungle is fighting back. In this supermarket, the much-heralded consumer goods are not the stars of the show. Here, the spotlight is on the plants that those products originate from – plants from the (sub)tropical regions of our planet. The exhibition shows us the flora that we come into daily contact with, opening our eyes to the origins of the items that we often take for granted. It highlights the distance they travel on their journey from the jungle to the checkout. We see that these luxury goods impact on more than just our tastebuds – they lead to a whole host of previously unseen ecological consequences.

Above all though, it places these plants and their unique features, habitats and stories in foreign, yet familiar surroundings, enabling the customer to gain a better understanding of where their favourite products come from. So, what are we you waiting for? Take a look!

The Exhibition was an experience for the senses. Not only could you watch and feel the plants, test your nose for tropical flavours or try the miracle fruit- there also was a sound installation. The relaxing sound of whispering leaves and exotic bird sounds discreetely increased the tropical atmosphere. Every eight minutes though the jungle idyll was interrupted. Then a typical supermarket jingle heralded an announcement. Slogans in the characteristic supermarket slang about nine selected plants aroused the curiosity of the visitor.
If you would like to listen to these announcements selectively just fast-forward to the marked peaks of the audio file.

For those who don´t understand german here is a translation of three of the audio bids.

You-Yeah, you! Have you too always asked yourself, what makes curry so deliciously aromatic? In our fresh produce aisle you will find the secret ingredient- as long as supplies last!

“Myristica fragrans”- a breathtaking exotic that will change your conciousness!Get your ultimate kick at our supermarket shelve! For risks and side effects ask your biologist or botanist.

a deep-red seductress from latinamerica is waiting for you in the fresh produce aisle. Capsicum frutescens is called a nightshade plant for a reason! She is so hot, you definately won’t keep a cool head.



TEAM: Katarzyna Bodziak, Meike Detering, Britta Liermann, Janna Rinck under the supervision of Prof. Barbara Holzer, Prof. Philip Teufel and Prof. Herman Verkerk (FH Düsseldorf, edi – Exhibition Design Institute, MA Exhibition Design).